In the News

City Occupational related news items:

Update 23: 22 November 2021

City Occupational Ltd is pleased to announce the availablity of update 23 which is now available to order for a cost of £250+Shipping+VAT:

The Aeromedical Center Germany (ACG) start providing CAD tests. May 2020

The Aeromedical Center Germany have joined the growing number of medical centres providing the CAD test to their customers.

CAD approved for testing colour sense of deck crew members with navigational duties 1 April 2020

The European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) have published the 2019 edition of the European Standard for Qualifications in Inland Navigation (ES-QIN) which lists CAD as an approved test in Appendix 1: Relevant vision criteria as meant under diagnostic code H 00-59 (page 126).

A copy of ES-QIN is available from CESNI.

Desktop based system: 15 December 2018

City Occupational Ltd is pleased to announced that it is switching from laptop based AVOT systems to desktop based AVOT systems. The first desktop based system is expected to be available for purchase by the end of January 2019. The switch will allow us to provide significantly more powerful computers.

CAD replaces Holmes Wright lantern test for MCA. January 2018

The UK Maritime & Coastguary Agency will be ceasing to conduct Holmes Wright B Lantern (HWB) supplementary tests for colour vision for Deck Personnel and moving to the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test.

A copy of MIN 564 (M) is available from the UK government.

UK CAA Policy Statement. July 2017

The UK CAA states that in the UK, all Aeromedical Centres (AeMCs) shall use the CAD test to measure the colour thresholds for initial applicants for EU class 3 certificates.

A copy of the policy statement is available from the CAA.

Analysis of European colour vision certification requirements for air traffic control officers 19 October 2016

The UK CAA have published a new report on the advantages of using colour in large-field, visual displays with emphasis on ATC applications.

A copy of the report is available from the CAA.

How good is your vision? 19 October 2015

The New Optometry Clinics at City University London offer an advanced vision assessment (including colour vision and other aspects of visual performance) based on the AVOT tests developed by City Occupational Ltd. Many of the tests incorporate results on healthy aging and also minimum visual performance limits for use in visually-demanding occupations. The tests can also be used to detect small changes in vision, indicative of early stages of eye disease, that often precede the appearance of clinical signs. For more information, visit the University's AVOT pages.

Colour vision assessment for maritime navigational lookout July 2015

The Maritime Coastguard Agency have published a review.

A copy of the report is available from the UK government.

Three New Modules: 29 June 2015

City Occupational Ltd is pleased to announce the availablity of its latest modules:

The tests can be purchased as additional modules for use with an existing AVOT system. New systems based on the various tests are also available to order.

The European Aviation and Space Agency (EASA) adopts the CAD test for colour assessment in Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) 15 March 2015

The decision of EASA to adopt the CAD test for colour assessment in ATC is arguably the most significant impact with changes of colour assessment protocols and new requirements in all 27 member states and many other states who helped establish and then adopted the EASA guidelines, including the UK.

ED Decision 2015/010/R is available from EASA. Part ATCO.MED - AMC / GM (direct link) section GM1 ATCO.MED.B.075 (page 33) details the adoption.

This feeds into the Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Controllers' Licensing and Certification (Regulation (EU) 2015/340) which is also available from EASA.

Acuity-Plus: 6 March 2013

City Occupational Ltd is pleased to announce the availablity of its latest module, the Acuity-Plus test for measuring visual acuity and functional contrast sensitivity. The test can be purchased as an additional module for use with an existing CAD Standard or CAD Professional system. New systems based on the Acuity-Plus test are also available to order.

People Management: 3 October 2012

Colour blindness: still a barrier to occupations?

Advances in screening opens door to more applicants

Telegraph: 18 June 2009

[The CAD test] can pinpoint the severity of the condition and immediately indicate whether someone's vision meets the minimum requirements for flight safety.

The Independent: 18 June 2009

Thousands of people prevented from becoming pilots because of their colour-blindness could get another chance to follow their childhood dreams, thanks to the development of a revolutionary eye test.

BBC Online News: 16 June 2009
News Median: 16 June 2009

A new test could mean applicants previously barred from jobs because of slight colour blindness would be reconsidered.

AVweb: 10 June 2009

The CAD test is accurate and thorough.

CharterX: 9 June 2009
Flightglobal: 29 May 2009

Colour-blindness research sponsored by the UK's Civil Aviation Authority and the US FAA, and carried out by London City University's Applied Vision Research Centre, has established a more accurate assessment of colour deficiencies in pilot applicants' red-green and yellow-blue colour range.